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    We’ve developed a mobile portfolio website that looks great on the iPhone and we integrated it with WordPress so you can update it easily just like a blog. It’s also very practical because we can detect if someone is looking up your website on their iPhone and automatically redirect them to your mobile portfolio site.

    Link: iFolios » iPhone Website for Photographers


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    There are still a few spots open in the upcoming New York Street Photography Workshop from May 30-June 5th. This will be the third time it has been held. New York City in late spring and early summer is an amazing venue for street photography and a great place to create a photo essay/portfolio during this one week workshop. The daily workshop sessions are held at Peter Turnley’s apartment in Harlem, which also serves as a wonderful backdrop for this experience. The workshop embraces a “decisive moment” spirit of appreciating the reality of daily life in an urban setting. Turnley works with students to help them become comfortable with a sense of purpose in photographing people, and creating a photo story/essay.

    Link: welcome to peterturnley.com


  • The deadline for the LUCEO Student Project Award is quickly approaching – May 15. If you haven’t already submitted your materials, you have only ten days left to get them in. This year’s winner will receive $1000 to use for their project, as well as mentorship for the project from one LUCEO member.

    Link: Student Project Award Applications Due In 10 Days | Luceo Images


  • Free online Photoshop eSeminar tomorrow

    My fellow PM Bryan O’Neil Hughes is presenting a couple of free one-hour eSeminars covering what’s new in Photoshop CS5. According to the event registration page, “This series is …

    via John Nack on Adobe: http://blogs.adobe.com/jnack/2010/05/free_online_photoshop_eseminar_tomorrow.html

    My fellow PM Bryan O’Neil Hughes is presenting a couple of free one-hour eSeminars covering what’s new in Photoshop CS5


  • (re): media series – new work

    Here are the images that are currently part of (re): media at Packer Schopf Gallery (re): media-untitled_021 (re): media-untitled_020 (…

    Link: http://kwortendyke.blogspot.com/2009/07/re-media.html

    Although most of us have never experienced war, we are surrounded by its imagery. This project is an exploration of the way that imagery and information from movies, videogames, the newspaper, and the Internet come together to form our perception of what war is.

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  • Nieman Storyboard

    Tests & Reviews

    via Nieman Storyboard: http://niemanstoryboard.us/2010/05/03/david-finkel-on-the-good-soldiers-the-obligation-is-to-the-story/

    Tomorrow, Washington Post national enterprise editor David Finkel will receive the 2010 J. Anthony Lukas Book Prize for The Good Soldiers, a bruising account of a U.S. Army battalion’s service in Iraq during 2007 and 2008. The $10,000 prize, announced by the Nieman Foundation and Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, is given for excellence in nonfiction writing that exemplifies literary grace and commitment to serious research. We wanted to take advantage of the moment to talk with Finkel about his ideas on writing and the narrative approach he chose for his story.

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  • I gathered a different kind of information from that same panel of photo editors in an attempt to find the quickest paths to their heart.

    Link: Top 10 Ways to Make a Photo Editor Fall In Love With You – A Picture’s Worth | PhotoShelter


  • B&H Photo Event Space

    In Times of War and Peace-1972-2012: Photographs by a Renowned International Photographer, Peter Turnley

    via BHPHOTOVIDEO: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/find/eventDetails.jsp/id/682

    Join internationally acclaimed photojournalist, Peter Turnley, for an insightful look into humanity amidst the last three decades of history, geo-politics, and everyday life in different countries from around the world. Peter’s presentation will weave in and out of images depicting life worldwide, in moments of conflict, hardship, and political change, as well as images of major world figures that influenced the direction history during the last three decades


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    Since 2006, photojournalist Krisanne Johnson has been documenting the lives of young women coming of age in Swaziland, a country which reports one of the highest percentages of HIV-positive people in the world. 

    Link: Anatomy of a Successful Grant Proposal: Krisanne Johnson’s Coming of Age Story


  • Red Sweater Software is excited to announce the immediate availability of MarsEdit 3, a major upgrade to the award-winning blog editor for Mac OS X.

    Link: MarsEdit 3 Features Rich Text Editing, Enhanced Media Browser


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    The Gallery at Hallmark is excited to announce the opening of “Holga Inspire”. This traveling exhibition is representative of the myriad images that can be created with the classic Holga camera. The show features 10 different very talented artists and their unique view of the world through the lens of their Holga. The distinguished artists in the exhibition are: Michelle Bates, Susan Bowen, David Burnett, Tammy Cromer Campbell, Taiju Fubuki, Teru Kuwayama, Annu Palakunnathu Matthew, Pauline St. Denis, Harvey Stein and Rebecca Tolk. The opening will take place at The Gallery at Hallmark, on Friday, May 7, 2010. Located in the Colle Opera House at 85 Avenue A in historic downtown Turners Falls, the exhibit will appeal to all who appreciate the sublime purity of the classic, yet creative images that can be created with a simple and affordable camera.

    Link: The Gallery at Hallmark


  • Warning stickers for the Daily Mail

    England’s Daily Mail isn’t just a source of funny Internet posts, it’s also a veritable font of hysterical, nutso reporting about “epidemics” of child abuse, immigrati…

    via Boing Boing: http://www.boingboing.net/2010/05/03/warning-stickers-for.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+boingboing%2FiBag+%28Boing+Boing%29

    Here’s some sticker template for decorating the free copies of the Wail that you encounter in your life.

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  • I have the same conversation with different photographers every week or so. The names are interchangeable, but the underlying facts tend to go something like this: photographer shoots a gig for a client and sends along the bill. The bill comes due in 30 days but (somehow) doesn’t get paid on time. The photographer, afraid to offend their client, waits in quiet frustration for the envelope to arrive. 30 more days pass. Then 30 more.

    Link: Legal Left, Meet Creative Right –Collections 1 | Luceo Images


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    Leilani Wertens was born in Orange, California in 1985. She is currently attending Columbia College in Chicago working on her MFA in Photography. This work is from the project, Forget Me Not, in which she writes,’The setting for this project ranges from turn-of-the-century brownstones to 1950s bungalows, but they housed a generation that was less transitory.

    Link: Leilani Wertens, Chicago


  • Common Ground- The Blog

    Greetings and salutations! In advance of some upcoming changes to my “Shooting from the Hip” blog, I have decided to spin off posts about my Common Ground project to its own separate bl…

    via Common Ground- The Blog: http://commongroundtheblog.wordpress.com/2010/04/15/common-ground-the-blog/

    I envision this blog as place for me to post new diptychs, show some of my favorites from the past, give updates on print availability and keep the dream alive to one day have Common Ground published in book form.

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  • When photographers get together, they tend to talk about two things: camera gear, and working with photo editors. But what many photographers don’t realize, is that when photo editors get together, they talk about YOU.

    There are only two proven methods that you can use to ensure that your name comes up in a conversation. Do something really amazing, or do something that pisses them off. You really don’t want to find yourself part of their conversation for the latter.

    What are the things that will piss off a photo editor? I decided to ask a panel of really talented photo editors. They were kind enough to share what really gets under their skin.

    Link: Top 13 Ways to Piss Off a Photo Editor – A Picture’s Worth | PhotoShelter


  • POYi, the oldest photojournalism program in the world, has announced the “POYi Emerging Vision Incentive.” The incentive will fund and showcase documentary work on social issues or political trends by aspiring documentary photographers. The Emerging Vision Incentive recipient will receive up to $10,000 to assist in developing a photo story that reflects daily life, social issues, cultural trends or news events.

    Link: Pictures of the Year International


  • Afghanistan, April, 2010

    A recent Pentagon report on the situation in Afghanistan over the past 6 months gives the impression that while things aren’t necessarily getting any worse, they are far from improving. Afghan citizens, when polled, showed only limited support for their g

    via Boston.com: http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2010/05/afghanistan_april_2010.html


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    Scott Strazzante’s amazing photo blog has moved to a new home.
    Link: Shooting from the Hip | Chicago Tribune | Blog

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  • I’m calling it as I see it. DSLR video is a fad – at least in solo video journalism it is. Plain and simple. There are many who have become enamoured with the so called uber cool extreme shallow depth of field flavor of the moment, equating it to creative license and thus making it their top priority, and in the process, losing sight of the first rule of solo video journalism: It’s the story, not the gear.

    Link: http://www.solovj.com/video-cameras-a-personal-perspective

    via: 98% operator and 2% equipment | duckrabbit – we produce beautifully crafted multimedia
