Duplex Planet

Duplex Planet, where David Greenberger has been asking questions to the elderly for over 25 years. A sample:


FRANK KANSLASKY: (Laughs) Not to me it ain’t!

LEO GERMINO: Because it’s very, very outstanding. It’s important to make
people feel better, too.

FRANCIS MCELROY: Because it’s the run of the country, and it’s very
popular among all people.

BILL NIEMI: Well, it sort of relaxes a person’s mind.

CHARLES SHEA: Without it there’d be no happiness.

ABE SURGECOFF: It brings melody to the people.

HERMAN SEFTEL: It tunes up the system.

DORA GURKEWITZ: We’re lonely people and we live alone, so we like to have

HENRY TURNER: It soothes the nerves. And it keeps you from getting bored
too. Of course my radio was stolen from me.

HOWARD SHERWOOD: Well, I think it’s a great day starter, starter of the
day. Most people put their radio on and it brightens up the day. If we had
a lot more music and less arguments things would be a lot better – all over
the world. In a lot of these countries you aren’t allowed to put music on.

(from Duplex Planet issue # 97)