Paris Match had two men hidden in a tree overlooking the churchyard. As the burial took place one of the men jumped from the branches to be chased by the police, leaving his companion undisturbed to take the photograph.
i always have my camera with me…but, i do not always photograph everything around me all the time…like you, there are no pictures for me unless i am ready to make them…i need to be in the mood….or moved
Yeah, what’s interesting about it is if you think about music, 35mm is jazz. So, the riff, the spontaneous and immediate riff on something that comes out of nowhere
(Now I’ve linked to Ben Lowy’s site before, but it recently got overhauled and there’s all new stuff to look at… including the Storylines work which I’m totally enamored with.)
For nearly three years, Jessica Dimmock followed this crew documenting what happened to them after eviction, how they fought to get clean, sank deeper into addiction, went to jail, started families and struggled to survive.
Selecting the best pictures of the year is a massive task and involves trawling through thousands of world class images including stunning news pictures, graphic scenes of conflict, natural disasters, sports, and a lot of boring pictures
we’ve just quickly created an Amazon Affiliate account specifically for this post so that 100% of the kickback (sometimes up to 5% of each item) will go to charity