After examining reports of journalists killed in direct connection to their work, the committee found that 64 journalists were killed in 2007, up from 56 last year.
Robert Wright delivered part 3 (here) on the “business” of editorial photography and we both agree that corporate greed is the source of the problems we face in photography and generally in business today.
Keith Arnatt’s “Notes from Jo” (1990 – 94) record his wife’s Post-It note messages usually left in their kitchen. The work irreverently plays on the conceptual concerns of image and text through the irritations and communications of daily life
My intention was to provoke thought and debate about the sane and the insane in current business practices. I am copping the standoffish attitude as an affect. The THEM is definitely corporate GREED.
Maybe the real reason for looking through the year’s work is because contest season has officially began. I used to put so much energy into winning. Thought it was so important. But I’ve seen contests ruin people.