I constantly receive emails from photographers commenting on the photographs on my member page and those that run with my column. Some try to give me tips on how to improve my photos. Some tell me my snaps suck. The most recent email suggested I give up working in black & white. The writer said it was a cop out. He suggested I challenge myself more so my work has room to progress.
Now… I am not some kind of prima donna who thinks his sheeot does not stink. I am also not above taking constructive criticism about my photography. And I might be a full-time photo editor because I am not good enough to be a full-time photographer. But even so, some of us ol’ timers are getting a little pissed off about the total lack of respect the Internet affords you punk kids.
Several photographers I’ve talked to commented on the Internet and how it opened the gateway for photographers with little or no experience to become experts on everything from lighting techniques and lens selection to business practices and copyright law. If you have ever heard the expression “the long arm of the law,” I want you to know the new version of that saying could be “the long arm of the Internet.”
Check it out here.