DOUBLE CROSS: Joe Nelson Fights The (White) Power


Around my town of Huntington Beach, a couple of pretenders to the Aryan throne did arise. There were gangs with names like SFU, which is perhaps the most original gang name ever, since every city has at least 3 under the same name, and the Huntington Beach Skins. They weren’t as organized though as the Metzger gangs. To me they seemed like amateur hour. I mean for Christ’s Sake, they didn’t even have any stickers to hand out. How the hell can you run a racist group without stickers?

Then the “Battle of St. Simon Jude Fair” happened. In fairness to the WAR and AYM skins, the H.B. Skins were very minor league, especially for a White Pride/Power type outfit. After all, their leader was a Hispanic kid, and one of the number ones was a Jewish dude, who had a swastika tattoo, and was nicknamed “Cornball”. With people like that running the gang it was obvious they would self implode before ever being a real threat to us.

Check it out here.