Welcome – The Digital Journalist

As you know, after more than 10 years, Canon has felt compelled to discontinue its support of The Digital Journalist. It is that support which has made it possible to produce these issues, and become one of the most trusted and vital resources to visual journalism. We are working very hard to come up with new sponsors (or who knows, Canon might change its mind?). We will also be going to several foundations, seeking institutional support. It is our intention and hope to keep publishing as long as we can. This month you, our loyal readers, donated nearly $5,000 in pledges, which is just enough to pay our staff, to whom we all owe a debt of gratitude. So please make pledges if you can. We know how difficult it is in the economy, but consider your pledge an investment not only in this magazine, but also in yourselves, and our beleaguered profession of photo/video journalism. Hopefully we will all make it through to the other side.

Link: Welcome – The Digital Journalist