Haiti has been like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. The things I’ve witnessed—I hope all of you reading this—will never have to go through. I’m still here at the moment, so it’s difficult for me to really understand everything. I think once I get home and have time to reflect, it will sink in and I’ll begin to fully comprehend what happened. It’s a horrific tragedy. When I first arrived, bodies lined the streets and the smell of death pierced the air. I immediately did what I came to do and began documenting my surroundings. It’s challenging, but I believe most photojournalists have to put up a shield when doing this kind of work. You become numb to what you’re seeing. It’s crazy to think about light and composition when you’re shooting dead bodies or being shot at in police/looter crossfire, but that’s the reality of what we do. What I’ve witnessed will be sure to haunt me. My work takes a huge emotional toll on me and that’s something I think most people don’t understand.