5B4: Robert Frank: 81 Contact Sheets

Robert Frank: 81 Contact Sheets

A couple years ago I had heard rumored that the eccentric Japanese publisher Kazuhiko Motomura was working on a special “book” on Robert F…

Link: http://5b4.blogspot.com/2010/03/robert-frank-81-contact-sheets.html

A couple years ago I had heard rumored that the eccentric Japanese publisher Kazuhiko Motomura was working on a special “book” on Robert Frank’s contact sheets from The Americans. That rumor had quieted a bit after Sarah Greenough’s masterwork Looking In seemed to beat it to the punch by reproducing every sheet that had an image that appeared in Frank’s final published edit, but Motomura proceeded anyway and Robert Frank: 81 Contact Sheets from The Americans is out. I have seen it and I have to say it is pretty amazing.