Photographing an Erupting Volcano – A Picture's Worth

Catching up with two PhotoShelter photographers in the path of Iceland’s Eyjafjallajökull volcano.

By now, you’ve no doubt seen the headlines featuring travelers stranded worldwide thanks to the billowing smoke, ash, lava and even lightening pouring from the volcano in Iceland. The images featured by National Geographic had me  full of questions, like “how do they get so close to the lava?”  Well, PhotoShelter actually has a growing presence among photographers in Iceland, and with some luck, I was able to track down a few of our members with some striking images of the volcanic eruption.  Sigurdur Olafur Sigurdsson (Siggi) and Sigursteinn Baldursson (Steini) were happy to share their photos and commentary via email.  Worth noting, both photographers are not your typical professional nature photographers, but they’ve each found themselves in a remarkable position to capture the beauty and power of nature at work.

Link: Photographing an Erupting Volcano – A Picture’s Worth | PhotoShelter