The Online Photographer: Leica S2 in the Wild

Leica S2 in the Wild

When I put up that quote from Michael Reichmann yesterday, a number of people used it as a touching-off point for the familiar old disputation between old film cameras and new digital ones. “Semilog,” for example, wrote a characteristically eloquent…

via The Online Photographer:

Who but Leica, conceiving its flagship camera, could so resolutely eschew gee-whizzery? Sony earns a passing mention here for the straightforwardness of the A900/A850, but that’s only relatively—relative to the competition. The S2 is is another league in this regard. No other camera maker would have—no other camera maker could have—the utter confidence to make a camera that does the important things well and just says no to all the rest to the same extent the S2 does.