Buy BURN.01 online NOW… | burn magazine


  the pitch: to the point..BURN.01 is available for online purchase as of now…yes, i am selling this new book and proud of it…the best work of the audience here on Burn is featured…

via burn magazine:

the pitch: to the point..BURN.01 is available for online purchase as of now…yes, i am selling this new book and proud of it…the best work of the audience here on Burn is featured along with a smattering of iconic legends….holding copies of the 300 page, printed in Italy, collector edition (1000 copies) are my students from the loft workshop which i do every year right here…frankly, a typical class (well, no these are the best!) for me and my Burn demographic….the best of times for all…the photographers above will present their work on Friday evening right after the Bruce Davidson show right here in my apartment…see announcement below..