If you see a cheap Leica S2 (or is it an R8) for sale in Budapest, call Brat Pitt | Leica News & Rumors

If you see a cheap Leica S2 (or is it an R8?) for sale in Budapest, call Brad Pitt – Leica Rumors

x17online reports that Brad Pitt’s Leica S2 camera got stolen in Budapest. The same website shows a series of pictures of the actor with what appears to be a Leica R8 camera (and not S2). At least we know that Mr. Pitt is shooting film ? Related posts: Ho

via Leica Rumors: http://leicarumors.com/2010/11/19/if-you-see-a-cheap-leica-s2-or-is-it-an-r8-for-sale-in-budapest-call-brat-pitt.aspx/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+LeicaRumors+%28LeicaRumors.com%29

UK agency Panos Pictures has put out a call for portfolios from social documentary photographers interested in joining the agency. The deadline is March 1, 2011.