gabriela bulisova – iraqi refugees | burn magazine

gabriela bulisova – iraqi refugees

[slidepress gallery=’gabrielabulisova_iraqirefugees’] Hover over the image for navigation and full screen controls  Gabriela Bulisova Iraqi Refugees play this essay The Option of L…

via burn magazine:

One of the least reported stories of the U.S. invasion of Iraq is the dispersal of close to 5 million Iraqis displaced internally or forced to flee across the country’s borders.  This exile is one of the greatest refugee crises in modern history—the statistical equivalent of nearly 50 million Americans leaving the United States. These masses of people displaced by the war in Iraq have become invisible and insignificant, overshadowed by other war-related events. Many of the displaced were the brains, the talent, the pride and the future of Iraq. Many of them, traumatized by unforgettable violence, will never return home.