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Shooting inordinate amounts of film, Winogrand charted a vast, freebooting odyssey through three-and-a-half decades of American culture.
Garry Winogrand: . . . ‘I forgot what year when Robert Frank’s book came out. He was working pretty much ar
via AMERICAN SUBURB X: http://www.americansuburbx.com/2011/03/garry-winogrand-i-dont-give-rap-about.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Americansuburb+%28AMERICANSUBURBX%29
Modern photography, by reason of unceasing technical advance, is eminently capable of producing a mindless accumulation of automatic images, whose meaning at best is peripheral and uncertain, whose tenor at worst is dumbly exploitative and reactionary. Photographers all too frequently make pictures so conceptually casual and brainlessly superficial that their minimal meaning is exhausted at a glance.