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Alan Chin, Scout Tufankjian, and Stephanie Sinclair share their memories of Chris Hondros.
via Reading The Pictures: http://www.bagnewsnotes.com/2011/04/remembering-chris-hondros-part-ii/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+Bagnewsnotes+(BAGnewsNotes)
During the war in Kosovo, Tyler Hicks was driving a battered old Renault we were renting, with five or six of us crammed into it lurching around the streets of Pristina. Hondros was holding Tyler’s bag with computer and camera inside. Suddenly a faulty lock popped the door open and the bag flew out and thudded onto the cobblestones. Tyler asked, “What was that?” and Chris responded, “Oh, I think that was your Leica, man.” Luckily we backtracked and found everything intact. That’s how I first met Chris Hondros twelve years ago.