Ft. Lauderdale Photo Ban: Bought and Paid for by Hollywood?

Ft. Lauderdale Photo Ban: Bought and Paid for by Hollywood? | PDNPulse

Citing First Amendment violations, a Florida publisher and the Society of Professional Journalists have filed suit against the city of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and its police chief over the city’s temporary ban on photography in a public area around a Holl

via PDNPulse: http://pdnpulse.com/2011/06/ft-lauderdale-photo-ban-bought-and-paid-for-by-hollywood.html

“Warning. No Trespassing. Photography of this area is strictly prohibited. Strictly enforced by FLPD. Violators subjet (sic) to arrest. City Ordinance 16-1”

City police officers are reportedly being paid by the film producers to guard the periphery, and enforce the photo ban.