Written by
From Photogenic Drafts, 1991
By Stephen Bull, Essay included in Vigovisións. Colección fotográfica do Concello de Vigo, Vigo 2003
Joachim Schmid is a thief and a liar. For twenty years Schmid has been taking other peoples’ photographs and using them
via AMERICAN SUBURB X: http://www.americansuburbx.com/2011/06/joachim-schmid-joachim-schmid.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+Americansuburb+(AMERICANSUBURBX)
By 1986 Schmid had amassed a huge stockpile of photographic material, not just found in the street, but actively sought out from invaluable sources such as fleamarkets and periodicals. From this material (snapshots, postcards, photographs cut out from magazines) Schmid began to assemble panels of similar pictures.