anastasia taylor-lind – the national womb: baby boom in nagorno karabakh

Anastasia Taylor-Lind – The National Womb: Baby Boom in Nagorno Karabakh

Anastasia Taylor Lind The National Womb: Baby Boom In Nagorno Karabakh [ EPF 2012 FINALIST ] ESSAY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT In 2008 Nagorno Karabakh’s de facto government introduced the &#82…

via burn magazine:

Nagorno Karabakhs baby boom was also sparked in 2008 by a mass wedding on the 16th October that was held for 674 couples. The event was funded by private donations from several wealthy Armenian diaspora businessmen and couples who participated receive privately funded higher payments. Figures on the 1st July 2011 show that a total of 693 babies had been born to these mass wedding couples so far.