When Interest Creates a Conflict
Sometimes the only way to cover the human toll of disease, poverty and war is to rely on private aid groups for access. But when those groups hire photographers directly, that can create a different kind of conflict, raising ethical quandaries.
via Lens Blog: http://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/11/19/when-interest-creates-a-conflict/
“The problem is that we say we will not work for Shell Oil because we don’t like their policies, but in the same breath, we have become the spokesperson for NGOs,” said Mr. Greene, 62. “But let’s be real — there’s only two kinds of people that go to conflict zones and places in crisis and that’s the NGOs and the journalists. We’re in bed with each other. You can’t operate without them. Any conflict, any crisis, you’re going to have to deal with an NGO. That’s just fact.”