Look3: Carrie Mae Weems on Race, Sexuality, History and Finding Meaningful Work

Look3: Carrie Mae Weems on Race, Sexuality, History and Finding Meaningful Work | PDNPulse

  Visual artist Carrie Mae Weems, who appeared on the main stage of the Look3 Festival of the Photograph last night for a conversation about her work with photo historian and curator Deborah Willis, is finally getting the recognition that she deserves. We

via PDNPulse: http://pdnpulse.com/2013/06/look3-carrie-mae-weems-on-race-sexuality-and-finding-meaningful-work.html

“I’m interested in photography and I’m interested in literature and I’m interested in film,” she explained near the beginning of her wide-ranging conversation with Willis. “I’m trying to figure out how to use those modes as a vehicle for expressing certain kinds of ideas…I’m just interested in whatever works.”