Link: Boston Magazine publishes new photos of Tsarnaev arrest in response to Rolling Stone cover | Poynter.
Boston Magazine released dramatic photos of alleged Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Thursday night after state police tactical photographer Sergeant Sean P. Murphy gave them to the magazine.
Link: Ready, Aim, Backfire: Police Photographer’s Dzhokhar Tsarnaev “Rolling Stone Retribution” Photos — BagNews
I don’t know if it’s from acting impulsively out of anger, a lack of visual sophistication, or a complex brew of both. Whatever the reasons, I think the tactical photographer, Massachusetts State Police Sgt. Sean Murphy, has seriously missed the boat if he though his pictures of Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev would pigeonhole him as just another evil-doer
Link: CVS and Walgreens Ban an Issue of Rolling Stone –
It was explicitly the cover image, a photo of Mr. Tsarnaev that he used online, which shows him with long hair and a trim mustache and in an Armani Exchange shirt — not the lengthy article inside — that has drawn criticism. Over the day, those objections gathered momentum, aided by social media.
Link: Behind Rolling Stone’s Cover, a Story Worth Reading –
When is the last time someone said to you, “Did you see the cover of Rolling Stone?” In a cluttered informational marketplace, magazines are in a dogfight for attention, not just with one another, but with every other form of media.