Cédric Gerbehaye: A “Gentle Rough” Incursion in Sète

SET13 cover

Link: Cédric Gerbehaye: A “Gentle Rough” Incursion in Sète « The Leica Camera

Q: Did you feel comfortable using only one camera?

A: In deciding to make it my main tool, there was something of the order of the obvious, the instinctive, regarding the relation to the object first, and then the relation to the reality in which one inscribes oneself with this tool.

With this camera and this set up, I have a sense of simplicity and lightness, certain discretion. In one of his texts, Hervé Guibert talks about the “gentleness of intrusion.” This is something I try to put in place and which has always attracted me to a photographic project. With this camera, I have the feeling that I’m getting closer to my subjects than with the tools I previously used.