11 Things Photographers Wish They Knew Before Going Freelance

11 Things Photographers Wish They Knew Before Going Freelance – PhotoShelter Blog

In theory, freelancing is a great option – be your own boss, choose your own projects, make your own money. But the reality is that creating a sustainable business from freelance work is no easy road. Almost every every freelancer faces the very same cycl

via PhotoShelter Blog: http://blog.photoshelter.com/2013/07/11-things-photographers-wish-they-knew-before-going-freelance/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+PhotoshelterBlog+%28PhotoShelter+Blog%29

We asked our community of supportive and, more often than not, optimistic photographers what they wish they knew before going freelance