Job Rankings Claim Dishwasher a Better Job than Photojournalist

Job Rankings Claim Dishwasher a Better Job than Photojournalist | PDNPulse

Career-building website has ranked the top 200 jobs, and “Photographer” and “Photojournalist” were ranked 172 and 188 respectively. According to the study, which factors in “physical demands, work environment, income, stress, and hiring out

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a man he identified as a former photojournalist, who through a series of tragic circumstances found himself living on the street. Lowy shared his image of the man, named Scott Sutton, and recounted the conversation he and Sutton had on the street near Union Square in New York City. After Lowy told Sutton that he is a photojournalist, “the conversation took a turn to the surreal,” Lowy wrote.