Observance, an exhibition by The New York Times’ James Estrin

Observance, an exhibition by The New York Times’ James Estrin

James Estrin is usually the one writing about new photography exhibitions. The senior staff photographer and co-editor, with David Gonzalez, of The New York Times’ Lens has presented the work of hundreds of photographers, often for the first time, in the

via British Journal of Photography: http://www.bjp-online.com/2014/01/observance-an-exhibition-by-the-new-york-times-james-estrin/

James Estrin is best-known in photography circles for his work on Lens, a photography blog at The New York Times. But the editor is also a senior staff photographer, and next week, for the first time in 20 years, he will be showing his own work – a project called Observance