News Shooter | The symbiosis of photography and video – A Photojournalist’s Perspective

The symbiosis of photography and video – A Photojournalist’s Perspective – Newsshooter

Guest post by Sean Gallagher: The Toxic Price of Leather from Sean Gallagher on Vimeo. For many photojournalists, the transition into shooting video has been a path paved with slight trepidation and hesitation. There seems to be a lot of pressure for vide

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Using video and allowing people to look into his eyes as he recounts what happened has more impact than a single frame, for example, of him in that moment. That’s not to say that a photograph combined with other images from the whole story wouldn’t have impact; I just think that in this particular situation, video more vividly communicated the impact of pollution on this man and his community. The combination of being able to look into someone’s eyes and also hear their voice, is a powerful one.