2014: The Year in Photos, May-August
Part two of a three-part photo summary of the year: Summer rioting in Ferguson, Missouri, the World Cup in Brazil, the flight of the Yazidis from ISIS in Iraq, the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, and the Israel-G
via The Atlantic: http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2014/12/2014-the-year-in-photos-may-august/100869/
As the year comes to a close, it’s time to take a look back at some of the most memorable events and images of 2014, a particularly brutal year. Among the events covered in this essay (the second of a three-part photo summary of the year): Summer rioting in Ferguson, Missouri, the World Cup in Brazil, the flight of the Yazidis from ISIS in Iraq, the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, and the Israel-Gaza conflict. Come back for part 3 tomorrow, and be sure to see part 1 posted yesterday. The series will total 120 images in all. Warning, some of the photos may contain graphic or objectionable content. [40 photos]