Khalik Allah – Shoot Cameras, Not Guns: Harlem Streets | LensCulture

Shoot Cameras, Not Guns: Harlem Streets – Photographs and text by Khalik Allah | LensCulture

Raw, unvarnished, straight from the night-lit corners of Harlem, New York

via LensCulture:

Photography is my inside joke with God. He alone knows that time doesn’t exist. I use photography as a tool to extend the now; not to preserve the past. The past cannot be preserved because it does not exist. So to me, photography is a testament to time’s vulnerability.
Shoot cameras, not guns. And raise sons righteous. I follow the injunction to love God supremely and your neighbor as yourself. All of this is brought into my photography. Photography is a dissemination point for me to say that there is beauty in everyone.

I only shoot at night…I want to remind people we’re in outer space…I photosynthesize under the street-lamps with the hood champs and the impoverished.