‘Living on a Dollar a Day’ Captures the Silenced Minority on Poverty’s Edge – Feature Shoot
Starvation: In the Charan slum settlement of northern India, Kalpana, 20, starves one of her children Sangeeta, 2, while her sister Sarita, 5-months-old, right, sleeps in comfort, above right, in…
via Feature Shoot: http://www.featureshoot.com/2015/04/new-book-captures-silenced-minority-lives-edge/
Pulitzer-prize winning photographer, Renée C. Byer, has traveled to 10 countries spread over four continents in the past four years documenting the myriad lives lived on less than a dollar a day. The photographs, both harrowing and inspiring, are Byer’s way to span the ever-widening gap between the haves and the have-nots.