Front Pages That DIDN’T Turn the Charleston Shooter into a Poster Boy — BagNews

Front Pages That DIDN’T Turn the Charleston Shooter into a Poster Boy – Reading The Pictures

We could stand for more recognition of those papers that largely ignored the perpetrator in favor of elevating the victims and affirming existing bonds.

via Reading The Pictures:

In the aftermath of the latest shooting rampage, this one the racist massacre in Charleston, my sense is that the popular sentiment against publishing the shooter’s face and name (at least, on the web) had grown louder than ever. That, however, didn’t stop certain publications from splashing his face across multiple columns, even whole pages, like the second coming of Hannibal Lecter. And this, like a domino effect, generated that many more links, posts and tweets calling out and re-posting those examples, only amplifying the kid’s status as poster boy.