William Widmer Captures Life in Post-Katrina New Orleans with “My Mississippi” | VICE | United States

William Widmer Captures Life in Post-Katrina New Orleans with ‘My Mississippi’

William Widmer has been photographing levee breach sites and taking a broad look at what the Bayou and New Orleans neighborhoods look like ten years after the storm.

via Vice: http://www.vice.com/read/photos-of-life-in-new-orleans-post-katrina-in-william-widmers-my-mississippi-426

Photographer William Widmer calls New Orleans the “frontlines of climate change in America.” Widmer moved South five years ago to document the way of life there before the land erodes and washes everything away. As a result, he spends a lot of time roaming the streets. He doesn’t consider himself a storyteller so much as an observer, but what I love about his images are the narratives they evoke