Mary Virginia Swanson, Executive Director of the LOOK3 Festival | A Photo Editor

Mary Virginia Swanson, Executive Director of the LOOK3 Festival – A Photo Editor

  Jonathan Blaustein: Full disclosure. I’ve known you for years, as a client and a friend. I am on the record in multiple places as being a huge fan of you as a person, and the work that you do. Mary Virginia Swanson: Yes. Thank you. JB: You’re welcome. I

via A Photo Editor:

It’s certainly reaching a lot more people, and now there are all these places that never intend to have print. My concerns of course are rights and fees paid, and the fact that we need all the photographers to make a living. We have a whole generation coming in now that will be photo editors that maybe never worked in print, and everyone’s on such a high learning curve it’s wild.