Sixteen years ago, Mark Hogancamp was attacked outside a bar in Kingston, NY. After coming out of a coma, Hogancamp created his own…
via Medium: https://medium.com/vantage/constructing-and-photographing-marwencol-17f92a2a8c01#.3gplzyasy
Sixteen years ago, Mark Hogancamp was attacked outside a bar in Kingston, NY. After coming out of a coma, Hogancamp created his own recovery therapy in his backyard — a miniature Belgian WWII town called Marwencol where Hogancamp can work on his dexterity and on his imagination. His book, Welcome to Marwencol, details Hogancamp’s story of his attack, his recovery, and his therapy-as-art project. It also showcases the photographs of Marwencol that he has taken