Witnessing Dignity Amid Death in Guatemala’s Civil War – The New York Times

Witnessing Dignity Amid Death in Guatemala’s Civil War

The 1980s brought even more massacres and disappearances during Guatemala’s civil war. Robert Nickelsberg ventured to the highlands during that time to document the devastating effects of that violence on Mayan villages.

via Lens Blog: https://lens.blogs.nytimes.com/2017/11/29/witnessing-dignity-amid-death-in-guatemalas-civil-war/?module=BlogPost-Title&version=Blog%20Main&contentCollection=Multimedia&action=Click&pgtype=Blogs&region=Body

The U.S. Embassy spokesman in Guatemala City wondered why Time Magazine would want to photograph and interview the ambassador there. After all, in the early 1980s, the political upheaval and violence in nearby El Salvador — where I was based — dominated the headlines. We should have kept covering the civil war there, the spokesman said, since there really wasn’t anything worth covering in Guatemala.