Betsy Karel: America’s Stage | LENSCRATCH

Betsy Karel: America’s Stage

There is a bowtie-shaped intersection in New York city that draws tourists by the hundreds of thousands, particularly Monday night in anticipation of the infamous ball drop. If we can’t be there in person, we watch from the comfort of our couches as horde


There is a bowtie-shaped intersection in New York city that draws tourists by the hundreds of thousands, particularly Monday night in anticipation of the infamous ball drop. If we can’t be there in person, we watch from the comfort of our couches as hordes of merry makers chant down the final ten seconds of 2018. Photographer Betsy Karel takes a insightful look at this crush of humanity, all seen from the perspective that “five New York City blocks are a metaphor for urban America today, where almost every inch of public space has been taken over by private corporate interests.”