Tales from the Cold Wilderness of the Russian Far North – Feature Shoot

Tales from the Cold Wilderness of the Russian Far North

Elena Anosova pays an unusual and meticulous attention to textures.

via Feature Shoot: https://www.featureshoot.com/2016/11/tales-from-the-cold-wilderness-of-the-russian-far-north/

Elena Anosova pays an unusual and meticulous attention to textures. Their feature throughout her project, Out-Of-The-Way, is striking and varied; the patterns of a wallpaper not quite the same as the icing sugar rush of falling snow, a lacelike net curtain creating a different visual effect than a roiling cloud of mist above a landscape. Of her textural focus, she explains: “there are many lifestyle details that immerse the viewer… My approach is one of the additional strokes that tells the story of this place, its state of being frozen in time and space.”