The Leica Monochrom Review Part 1. Understanding the Camera and vs FILM

The Leica Monochrom Review Part 1. Understanding the Camera and vs FILM. | Steve Huff Hi-Fi and Photo

The Leica M Monochrom Review Part 1. Understanding the Camera and VS film. After reading this, Part 2 is now up HERE. Part 2.5 is up HERE – Part 3 is up HERE The Monochrom and Zeiss Sonnar 1.5 – Some slight PP to enhance the contrast After posting about t

via Steve Huff Hi-Fi and Photo | Hi-Fi Audio Reviews:

I have scanned thousands of B&W frames in my day and I am saying with 1000% conviction that the files I am seeing from the Monochrom are the closest I have ever seen any digital come to film but not 35mm film because they look more like rich medium format files.