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From the beginning, we sensed Harvey would be physically and socially devastating. These powerful, but lesser seen photos stood out.
via Reading The Pictures: https://www.readingthepictures.org/2017/09/powerful-harvey-photos/
By the end of the week, we learned Harvey was a “1000 year” flood, not just a “500 year” one. Educated by the outstanding ProPublica-Texas Tribune project, “Hell and Highwater,” that was published in March 2016, we sensed from the beginning that Harvey would be physically, socially and politically devastating. Our weekly social media roundup usually offers a wider sweep. This week though (starting from radar maps on Thursday, August 24th, to be specific), we were fixed on this one historic event. We tracked Harvey on Twitter and Instagram, and we did an article for Columbia Journalism Review yesterday looking at key social and political photos. Here, culled from our social media feeds and starting from the beginning, we offer you the 12 most powerful photos of Harvey you were least likely to see.