Toni Privat – Agricultura. Raíces ‘El pla de grau’ « burn magazine

Toni Privat – Agricultura. Raíces ‘El pla de grau’

Toni Privat  Agricultura. Raíces ‘El pla de grau’ text by Clara Privat   “Avi”* used to go to the field every day, with his R18*, ‘The car of the year’ said the sticker on the back of the car.…

via burn magazine:

“Avi”* used to go to the field every day, with his R18*, ‘The car of the year’ said the sticker on the back of the car. Many years had passed, so many that he was now old along with the car too. Every day he got up and religiously followed his usual routine. He ate almond milk with cereal, dressed and went to the garage, where before, there had been pigs and horses, and now was his son’s field van and his R18 that he had used so much.