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The Linhof 617 S III Technorama is a panoramic film camera that captures four giant 6x17cm panoramas per roll of 120 film (hence the name 617). Camera
via PetaPixel: https://petapixel.com/2020/11/14/a-look-at-the-linhof-617-s-iii-shoot-4-huge-panoramas-per-roll-of-120-film/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+PetaPixel+%28PetaPixel%29
The Linhof 617 S III Technorama is a panoramic film camera that captures four giant 6x17cm panoramas per roll of 120 film (hence the name 617). Camera West TV made this 4-minute video that offers a look at this special camera and the results it can produce.