Juxtapoz Magazine – Mitch Epstein Travels the Country Photographing Property Right Conflicts

Juxtapoz Magazine – Mitch Epstein Travels the Country Photographing Property Right Conflicts

Pioneering color photographer Mitch Epstein faces urgent, contemporary issues through his compelling photographs in Mitch Epstein: Property Rights at…

Link: https://www.juxtapoz.com/news/photography/mitch-epstein-travels-the-country-photographing-property-right-conflicts/

Pioneering color photographer Mitch Epstein faces urgent, contemporary issues through his compelling photographs in Mitch Epstein: Property Rights at Amon Carter Museum of Contemporary Art. From Standing Rock protests to the Arizona and Texas borderlands, Epstein travels the country capturing images where public and private rights are often in conflict. Politics and citizenship, or environmental degradation and land rights, Epstein focuses on tough topics, helping us see overlapping, and often competing, histories and perspectives.