Images of Climate Change That Cannot Be Missed | The New Yorker

Images of Climate Change That Cannot Be Missed

Just as we risk becoming inured to the crisis, an exhibition, “Coal + Ice,” serves as a stunning call to action.

via The New Yorker:

I think the single best collection of images of the climate crisis I’ve ever seen is the exhibit that will be up through early August at the Asia Society, on Park Avenue. (If that seems a parochial spot for a global exhibit, it is worth remembering that sixty per cent of the world’s population lives in Asia.) Co-curated by the celebrated photographer Susan Meiselas and the exhibition designer Jeroen de Vries, and led by the Asia Society’s Orville Schell, the longtime China watcher and correspondent for The New Yorker (whose late brother Jonathan wrote “The Fate of the Earth,” which first appeared in the magazine), “Coal + Ice” is an evolving project