Smith Galtney in Conversation with Douglas Breault – LENSCRATCH

Smith Galtney in Conversation with Douglas Breault – LENSCRATCH

Smith Galtney was first a writer, and then a photographer. Words and images are often at odds with each other, leaving a moment in between where ambiguity fizzles into its own daydreaming world. The tired saying that “a picture says a thousand words” raises the question: how important are those thousand words in conveying an


I used to take pictures of people more surreptitiously – go for a more journalistic “shoot first, ask later” approach. I guess I thought that was more authentic or something. But after some uncomfortable encounters that made me question everything, I started asking first and that felt so much better. You can still get something honest and I enjoy the sense of connection. People are genuinely touched by the request and the whole exchange feels generous, even when they say no.