Anne Eder: The Seer – LENSCRATCH
I first met Anne Eder when taking her Plant-Based Photography workshop. I was instantly intrigued by her work, which is in deep conversation with the natural world. Once I entered Anne’s virtual classroom, I found out what an incredible educator she was, too. Since then, I’ve had the great fortune of working as the facilitator
My background. Well, I was always a sort of square peg in a world of round holes. I’m a messy artist, and my practice includes sculpture, installation work, and storytelling in addition to photography. I received my first camera (a Kodak Brownie!) as a hand-me-down from a relative when I was eight years old, and immediately began to use it to document all kinds of daily minutia. So, I was shooting medium format film as a kid and developing my own from the time I was about 18. It was both how I saw and how I mediated the world around me, which was often a very unsafe place for me as a child