Leica Announces M10, Drops the ’10’

The News: Leica Announces M10, Drops the ’10’

The antipanda M-E: The M9 re-purposed as the “stripped-down” budget model The Leica M In a giant party at Photokina, Leica has announced that it will build a new camera for delivery early in 2013. It’s a successor to the…

via The Online Photographer: http://theonlinephotographer.typepad.com/the_online_photographer/2012/09/the-news-leica-announces-m10-drops-the-10.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+typepad%2FZSjz+%28The+Online+Photographer%29

OK. And how is it that someone will want a last-generation super-expensive luxury product but not mind foregoing the status of owning the good model? And who both really wants to spend $5,450 on a camera widely understood to be a status symbol but also wants to broadcast to the world the fact that he’s too cheap to spend an additional $1,500?