Category: News

  • Imelda Marcos, in PowerPoint and Plastic

    Imelda Marcos, in PowerPoint and Plastic



    From the New York Times: “I don’t wear jewels anymore,” she announced. “They stole all my jewels. These are recycled garbage that I make into jewels.” “It’s beautiful,” she said. “Here, I have a plastic ring. I did it. I designed it. I have hundreds and hundreds. I have a room full of jewels made…

  • 2 Years After Soldier's Death, Family's Battle is with Army

    2 Years After Soldier's Death, Family's Battle is with Army



    From the New York Times: “There is so much nonstandard conduct, both before and after Pat was killed, that you have to start to wonder,” Mr. Tillman said. “How much effort would you put into hiding an accident? Why do you need to hide an accident?” Here.

  • Advance Workers for Bush Impersonated Reporters



    From the Washington Post: “They didn’t show any cards or anything,” Akins said. “They just came up and said they were with the media, and then they said they were with Fox. They just talked to us and asked us about rebuilding our house. Then, after everything was over with, they approached us and they…

  • Before and After Abu Ghraib, Abuse

    Before and After Abu Ghraib, Abuse



    From the New York Times: In the windowless, jet-black garage-size room, some soldiers beat prisoners with rifle butts, yelled and spit in their faces and, in a nearby area, used detainees for target practice in a game of jailer paintball. Here.

  • Top-Down Review for the Pentagon

    Top-Down Review for the Pentagon



    From the New York Times: In sum, he has shown himself incompetent strategically, operationally and tactically, and is far more than anyone else responsible for what has happened to our important mission in Iraq. Mr. Rumsfeld must step down. Here.

  • Liberia seeks end to Taylor exile



    From the BBC: Mr Taylor is accused of selling diamonds and buying weapons for Sierra Leone’s Revolutionary United Front rebels, who were notorious for hacking off the hands and legs of civilians during a 10-year war. Here.

  • Who's who: Milosevic family

    Who's who: Milosevic family



    From the BBC, meet Mirjana, Marija, and Marko: He brought the town two major attractions – an amusement park called Bambiland and the glittering Madonna disco. In November 2001 he was charged with threatening a pro-democracy demonstrator in Pozarevac with a chainsaw. But he had long since fled to Moscow. He described himself as “gentle…

  • Bush's Stay in Dangerous Pakistan



    From the New York Times: White House officials will not say whether Mr. Bush overruled the Secret Service in making the trip, or even if he was told not to go. But it is no secret that the service was in a state of anxiety during his time in Islamabad. Here.

  • Online Auteurs Hardly Need to Be Famous

    Online Auteurs Hardly Need to Be Famous



    From the New York Times: On his computer screen, Jake R. Sanowski scrutinizes a short video of a baby eating its first pickle. Next is a skit of a woman getting drunker over the course of a meal at which, it turns out, her dining companion is a dog. That is followed by a clip…

  • Milosevic 'took the wrong drugs'

    Milosevic 'took the wrong drugs'



    From the BBC: But Mr Uges believed Mr Milosevic took rifampicin to get “a one-way ticket to Moscow” for treatment. Here.

  • Few Serb tears for Milosevic



    From the BBC: The only sign that something had happened was a gathering of die-hard loyalists outside the headquarters of his once all-powerful Socialist Party. They lit candles beside his portrait and scowled at the media. Here.

  • Upcoming Vanity Fair article on Plame CIA Leak Scandal



    From Editor and Publisher: Brenner’s strongest new fact comes near the end when a Hearst Corp. attorney reveals that the company was served with 42 subpoenas relating to reporters in the last six months of 2005, eight times the number in the same period the year before Here.

  • NYT's John Burns: US Effort in Iraq Will Likely Fail

    NYT's John Burns: US Effort in Iraq Will Likely Fail



    From Editor and Publisher: Asked if a civil war was developing there, Burns said, “It’s always been a civil war,” adding that it’s just a matter of extent. He said the current U.S. leaders there–military and diplomatic–were doing their best but sectarian differences would “probably” doom the enterprise. Here.

  • Milosevic death divides Balkan Press

    Milosevic death divides Balkan Press



    Again, BBC: The top-selling Serbian tabloid Kurir, is unequivocal: “Murdered” is its stark caption in big letters over a front-page picture of Mr Milosevic. Here.

  • Milosevic death mystery persists

    Milosevic death mystery persists



    From the BBC: Slobodan Milosevic feared he was being poisoned just a day before he died in his cell at the UN war crimes tribunal in The Hague, his lawyer has said. Here.

  • Saddam Saw Iraqi Unrest as Top Threat

    Saddam Saw Iraqi Unrest as Top Threat



    From the New York Times, first of two articles on Saddam’s Secret Strategy. “Saddam was so secretive…that his top military leaders were stunned when he told them three months before the war he had no weapons of mass destruction.” Here.

  • Muslim's Blunt Criticism of Islam Draws Threats



    From the NYT, Dr. Wafa Sultan: “They shot hundreds of bullets into him, shouting, ‘God is great!’ ” she said. “At that point, I lost my trust in their god and began to question all our teachings. It was the turning point of my life, and it has led me to this present point. I…

  • Abu Ghraib victim now advocate

    Abu Ghraib victim now advocate



    He’s the man in the mask. From the NYT: Ali Shalal Qaissi, an Abu Ghraib torture victim, and the advocacy group for former prisoners that he helped start. Here.

  • Milosevic found dead

    Milosevic found dead



    From the BBC: Slobodan “Milosevic was found lifeless on his bed in his cell” Here.

  • NC Campaign Commercial

    NC Campaign Commercial



    Vernon Robinson, Republican, is running for Congress in North Carolina’s 13th District. Check out his campaign ad via the link at WFMU.