The trek from Central America to U.S. soil has always been perilous, but a massacre with many victims from one corner of Guatemala has shaken that country.
A group of 13 migrants who left Comitancillo in January didn’t even get the chance. Their bodies were found, along with those of six other victims, shot and burned; the corpses were piled in the back of a pickup truck that had been set on fire and abandoned in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas, just shy of the U.S. border. A dozen state police officers have been arrested in connection with the massacre.
Mauricio Lima of Brazil has been named Photographer of the Year in the third Pictures of the Year Latin America contest. Daniele Volpe of Guatemala was awarded second place and Alejandro Cegarra of Venezuela took third in the same category, while Daniel Rodriguez of Portugal was awarded an honorable mention.
He now confesses that there are other images from that project that were also altered using post-production techniques, and he says he also “appropriated photos” from colleagues like Daniele Volpe, Hazel Thompson and Raul Irani, and lied in order to conceal those actions