Tag: Jay Turner Frey Seawell

  • Jay Turner Frey Seawell: National Trust

    Jay Turner Frey Seawell: National Trust

    Jay Turner Frey Seawell: National Trust  Lenscratch will be featuring submitted projects this week… Politics are addictive. Like Hollywood and tabloid articles, we fixate on the political news about our own soil. From breathtaking promises of the future to primetime lies, America is constantly via LENSCRATCH: http://lenscratch.com/2014/02/jay-turner/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+lenscratch%2FZAbG+%28L++E++N++S++C++R++A++T++C++H%29 Jay Turner Frey Seawell’s series National Trust shows…