In Libya, the fall of a dictator came faster than anyone expected. After six months of fighting along what were often stagnated front lines, the rebels succeeded last week in overwhelming the forces of Col. Muammar Gaddafi to take control of the Libyan capital. The sudden assault sent the enigmatic 69-year-old Libyan leader and his family into hiding; his forces scattering.
And throughout Tripoli, TIME contract photographer Yuri Kozyrev and I have watched over the past week as a population celebrates its victory over a tyrant. As security improves with each night, more and more families flock into the city’s iconic Green Square—now renamed Martyrs’ Square—where Gaddafi once delivered his bombastic speeches. And in a sprawling assortment of military bases, mansions, villas and farms, curious Libyans have sifted through the surprises and the horrors left behind by a 42-year-old regime.
Tag: mette frandsen
Mette Frandsen
mette frandsen – sin city
Mette Frandsen – Sin City
Mette Frandsen Sin City ESSAY CONTAINS EXPLICIT CONTENT Mickey I meet Mickey at a traffic light two blocks from the center of Las Vegas. He’s carrying a heavy suitcase and the brutal and inhu…
via burn magazine:
The New York Times has assembled a “Convention Storybook,” an online archive of the conventions. It is a look inside the two parties as they sought to articulate their platforms and positions as clearly as possible, without interference.
The “Convention Storybook” presents photographs by Stephen Crowley, Josh Haner, Todd Heisler, Doug Mills, Damon Winter, Mike Appleton, Travis Dove, Edward Linsmier, Luke Sharrett, Robert Stolarik, Max Whitaker and Jim Wilson. Michael Barbaro provided audio and it was produced by Nick Corasaniti, Jacqueline Myint and Cornelius Schmid